Deep Prayer: Being the Heart of the World

The awakened, naked intimacy with life can be experienced as a blessing – such vivid aliveness, heightened smells, colors, sounds, and wonderful immediacy of contact and connection. It’s also common to feel non-separation as a kind of curse as we become increasingly permeable to the suffering of those around us.

We can join our hearts in this divine permeability of inter-being-ness, and in our collective field radiate our compassionate witnessing and prayer for well-being out into the web of life itself.

Let us lean our hearts and intentions together in Consciousness to help nudge the human collective towards new evolutionary possibilities. David Nichol, in his well-researched book Subtle Activism, defines subtle activism as “practices of spirit or consciousness intended to support collective transformation.”

We can choose to infuse our “ripple” of consciousness with intention and Heart, and amplify our transformative, subtle field by doing this in community. Are you game for this grand experiment? If so, slip into the video recording of my December 9, 2018 All Hearts on Deck Trillium-Related online sitting, below. Sitting topic is Deep Prayer: Being the Heart of the World.

(Note: Presentation goes for about 25 minutes; the guided meditation begins at 25:30)



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